
Kepler Xに関するドキュメントです

Overall of Kepler X

The concept, architecture, etc. of Kepler X are described in ”Inside Kepler X”  (updated as needed). Sorry it is written in Japanese.

Versions of Kepler X

The following versions of Kepler X hardware currently exist

  • Machine No. Zero (v0.0.x)
    • The first prototype built by hand soldering on Sunhayato's universal board.
  • Machine No. 1 (v1.x.x)
    • The first board I made and exhibited at MI68 in October 2022, where I gave away the raw board and some of the kits to some people
    • The board has numerous bugs and must be patched. For the patched boards, I have assigned the following versions for your convenience
      • v1.0.0 The raw board with bugs
      • v1.0.1 The patched board that has been modified to work the function I supposed to at the time of board design
      • v1.1.0 with additional modifications to connect mt32-pi
      • v1.2.0 with additional modifications to use kmmcscsi function to connect MMC cards.
    • The details of the patch are described in "KeplerX-v1.0.0-Assembry-Manual"
  • Machine No. 2 (v2.0.x)
    • This is a newly created board with the features of v1.2.0
    • The main differences between this board and the No.1 board are as follows
      • mt32-pi support
      • connector for external controller for mt32-pi operation​​​​​​​
      • micro SD card slot for kmmcscsi